Narrator: High heat. Lymphatic acidosis and Caragiale with Dr. Sorina Soescu

Wednesday August 16, 2023 Hours 19.00-21.00 Online, ZOOM platform Dr. Sorina Soescu in narrative dialogues "From one to two, give me permission: either to revise, I accept! But let nothing change; or not to revise, I receive! But then let it change here and there, namely in the essential...points" When [...]

April 10, 2023|

Narrator: Breasts and thyroid with Dr. Sorina Soescu

We are in the most special and magical energy of the year, in its middle, on the days of the Sânziens, beneficial spirits of Nature, who connect us with Creativity and Imagination. The long day and the air scented by the flowers that generously decorate the fields send us for [...]

April 10, 2023|Tags: |
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