Welcome to the extended Vitality team to a new physical body balancing program
Congratulations on choosing this weight loss program.
We have chosen to stop calling these programs “slimming” or “weight loss”, because these words have negative connotations.
Losing weight sometimes also means disempowerment, and “losing” is not a circumstance that pleases us, even if it is unnecessary pounds, tissues deposited on thighs or hips.
We preferred to refer to achieving the desired figure, as well as the agility and inner strength to shape our body shape.
We are happy to have you take a new journey of strengthening and well-being with our team.
We know you need to be with a team that motivates you to realign with your own inner power.
You are tired, overwhelmed with too many chores/activities and have forgotten about your body.
He is the one who pushed you to join us on the program.
Your body signals you through all its symptoms that it’s time to take measures to regain your flexibility, inner lightness and figure that will make it function more efficiently.
Congratulations on finding the strength and motivation to start the program.
We are happy to be with you in the 13 meetings of movement, flexibility, resistance and body coordination.
We will reward you with diet tips, natural treatment for lymphatic drainage and elimination efficiency, with little secrets of relaxation and emotional peace, as well as motivational quotes to keep your mind focused on your goal.
Let’s start the program together and enjoy every moment along the way!